AN AMONG US STORY (Complete story)


'Calm down!' I told myself as I boarded the lobby of The Skeld. I was a rookie and I was really nervous. I'm pretty sure I was standing in a pool of sweat. But, this was basically my whole dream. Finally, after all those arduous training, I was officially part of the AU establishment.

 'Hey dude! Over here!'A voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned around and saw a guy with a "DUM" post-it on his forehead. I walked towards him.

'Hello! You seem like a newbie.'
'What gave it away?'
'Two things; First, I haven't seen you before, Second, you look like you're going to faint and your ID is upside down.'
'Oh!'I felt a blush creep up behind my ear as I fixed it.
'Anyway, what's your name?'
'Green, nice to meet you!' I said glad to change the topic.
'Okay Green, I'm Red, obviously' He said with a smile.

He seemed like a nice person. We talked and before I knew it, all my worries were gone. Suddenly, a female voice blared through the speakers:

'Attention! We will be boarding The Skeld shortly. Don't forget to do your tasks and good luck!'

Great! I was stressing out...... AGAIN!I really hoped I wouldn't embarrass myself. 'Dude, you're going to do fine.' Red said as if reading my thoughts.'We can stick together if you want.' 'Really! Thank you,that would be nice.' I said, grinning. Everything is going to be fine, I promised myself.

I boarded the ship. I looked around, everything was bigger than I expected.

 'What's your first task?' Red asked, once again interrupting my thoughts.
 'Umm, its in electrical' I said looking at my schedule.
'Aw man,I guess we have different tasks, meet you for lunch then!'
'What's your task?' I asked but he had already left.

Okay, I have to go to electrical now. I followed my map and arrived at the doors to electrical. I went in and saw a man with a yellow balloon tied to his head. His head was bent and he seemed to be struggling with the wires. Maybe I should help him. 

'H-Hello?' he said looking a bit startled.
'Do you want me to help you?'
'Y-Yes, please. You must be thinking I'm dumb'
'No, not at all' I said as I fixed the wires with ease and moved on to my own task.
'I'm Yellow'
'I'm Green!'
'Can we be friends?'
'I get it, no one wants to be friends with a freak like me' he said sadly.
'No, I would love to be friends with you' His face brightened.'It's just that I didn't think anyone would want to be friends with me'
'What's your next task?'I asked, happy to have made a new friend.
'Med bay Scan'
'Me too! Then we can go there together'

On the way to Med Bay we saw Black going to the reactor and he pretended like he didn't see us. How rude! Anyway, We reached Med Bay and had to wait because a girl with a flower headband was doing the scan. She introduced herself. Her name was Pink and she started working here 2 years ago.

'Hey, are you the newbies?' She asked. I heard a bark and saw a little puppy.
'Yeah' I replied.'Is that your dog?'
'Yes, why?'
'Can I pet it?'
'Sure, why not'. 

I went closer to the puppy. It was a one-eyed cyan alien puppy. It wagged its tail. So I guess it was safe to pet it. I went closer to it and held it in my arms.

'Yellow, look at this adorable thing'
'No, Don't bring it close to me!'
'Wait, don't tell me your scared of a puppy!' I exclaimed 

I went closer to Yellow with the dog. He had the funniest expression on his face. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Pink and I laughed for a good ten minutes. Tears were coming out of my eyes. Suddenly, I heard a familiar alarm. Hmm, I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was. 

'Oh no!' Pink said as I racked my brains to remember what it was.
'What happened? asked Yellow.
It suddenly came to me. Fear gripped my body .
'A body has been reported!'

Almost immediately, a meeting was called. Then name of the person who died was Cyan. Her mini crew mate was crying. The fear that I felt before soon turned to anger. This had to be the work of the Impostor. If only I knew who it was........

Red came running to me with a horrified expression on his face. Before he could say anything, the meeting started.

'I was with Yellow and Green in Med Bay.'said Pink.
'I was just walking towards the Reactor and saw the body.' said Blue.
'Yellow and I saw White go to the reactor.' I said.
'Uh... I was actually going to the Lower Engine.
'Then why were you hesitating?' I asked. He was really suspicious.
'Just because I  hesitated, you think I'm the Impostor? he said glaring at me.
'I didn't say you were the Impostor' I said giving him an equally scary glare.
'Hey, hey, calm down guys,we don't have proof of anything so I suggest we skip' Purple said as if we were studying in kindergarten.
'I think we should skip too' said Brown.
'Fine, let's skip this but remember White, I'm keeping an eye on you' I said.
'Yeah, Yeah whatever' he said and walked away. 

Next time I'll have proof that he's the Impostor, I promised myself.

It was time for lunch. Yellow, Red and I sat at a table in the bottom-right corner. Everyone was speaking in hushed tones. I wasn't really hungry after what happened. I guess Yellow felt the same way. But Red looked oblivious and started eating his lunch.

'You both look like you saw a ghost.' said Red, interrupting my thoughts once again.
'Oh! sorry for spacing out. ' .
'Don't worry, all look like that after a body has been reported.'
'Actually, I'm not feeling that bad now. By the way, this is Yellow, I met him in Electrical.'I said, gesturing to him
'Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm Red.' he said with the same smile he gave me when I first met him.
'Hi' Yellow said, embarrassed that his name was mentioned.
'So, I guess we're all friends now!.' I said excitedly.
'Yeah I guess' Red said grinning. 'Green, what's your next task?' 
'Oh well, I have to go to Shields'
'Me too' said Yellow.
'Then I guess we'll meet up later!' I said and got up.
'OK meet you then, bye.' Yellow waved at me and left the Cafeteria with Red.

I went to Shields with Purple and chatted with her for some time as I did the Prime Shields task.
'I really hope there won't be another body report' she said looking genuinely terrified.
'Me too' 
'So, why did you suspect White?'
'He was going to Reactor and the body was there' I said, maybe a bit too harshly
'Actually,he went to the Reactor to do a task, the murder must've happened after he left. I'm saying this because I was with him the whole time'
'Oh......, but then why did he have to get so angry?'
'Well, Green you wouldn't like it if someone accused you, would you?'
'No I wouldn't, I guess I was wrong. But, why didn't you say this at the meeting?'
'I wanted to but you both looked so angry, and before I could say anything, the meeting ended.'
'I should probably go apologize to him.' 
'Maybe you should'
'OK then, bye, thank you for telling me about White.'
'No problem!' she said and I left her and went to search for White. Why did I have to mess up so bad. I had to find him and apologize.

I couldn't find him. I checked everywhere. Cafeteria, Storage, Admin, Electrical, Reactor, Navigation, the Lower Engine, the Upper engine, O2, Weapons, Comms, Security, Med bay everywhere except Shields. So, I started walking towards Shields, when I heard a sound. It sounded like someone was speaking but it was muffled. It came from the vents. I couldn't make out what they were saying. I would have to go closer. I went closer and crouched behind a box.

'Did you kill him?
'Yeah, you should've heard him scream. The poor guy didn't even last a day at AU'
'Be careful not to get caught'
'Who's next?'
'I thought you wanted to kill him last?'
'I know but if I kill him now, the blame will fall on White as they had a little fight.'
'Enough chit-chat, it's getting hot in here'
Unfortunately, my shoe moved the box and made a noise.
'Did you hear that?'

Two people came out of the vent and looked at me. One of them was Red. 

He smiled at me evilly. Of course, how could I've been so foolish. He was pretending the whole time. All those fake smiles. I could feel tears stinging my eyes. No I wouldn't cry, at least not at a time like this. The other Impostor Black pulled up something from the vent. No, not something........ someone. What I saw next destroyed every bit of courage I had. Tears flooded my eyes.

I got up and started running. I wanted to forget what I just saw. I wished I had never come to this horrible place or made any friends.

 Red...... how could he. Yellow was so nice. That merciless monster. I will avenge him no matter what. I tried to push the image of Yellow's body out of my mind and continued sprinting. Hot tears blurred my eyes, but I had to find someone. I could hear footsteps behind me. They were getting closer.

 They sabotaged reactor which was in the opposite direction so that everyone would go there. My legs were getting wobbly. I couldn't keep up the pace anymore. Suddenly someone covered my mouth and pulled me behind a wall. It had to be red, he wasn't behind me.

So, no one will ever know the truth. I'll die too, just like Yellow did. And I closed my eyes, prepared for the worst..........


'Uhh... why are you closing your eyes?'
Wait, why did that sound like white?
'W-White?' I said turning around. Thank god it was White. I have to tell him everything. And then I realized I was holding my breath. I let it out.
'Yeah, its me' said White.
' It's Purple and Red, they killed Yellow!.'I said.'We have to tell the others and then-'
'Calm down, I heard everything too. I'm sorry for your loss. Yellow seemed like such a nice guy.
'He was' I said, trying not to cry again.
'And one more thing, I'm really sorry for falsely accusing you. Purple told me everything. I apologize, I saw you going to the reactor and...'
'You know, maybe this isn't the best time to apologize, but apology accepted. I guess I would've done the same thing if I was in your place.'
'Thank you, I feel much more relaxed now.'

Me and White ran as fast as we could to the Cafeteria only to see Red and Black already next to the emergency button. Red smiled at me and pressed the button.

What in the world was he doing?

'Okay.. what happened?' asked Lime.
'Black and I were going to Reactor when......' said Red. Where was he going with this?
'When..?' urged Brown.
'When... I saw White and Green jumping out of the vent.' 
'Oh My God, you liar!!' I shouted angrily. 'How could you, I saw you talking about Yellow IN THE VENTS.' My voice broke.
'He was threatening to kill us if we told someone.' He started crying fake tears. Black continued 'Green was just pretending to be nice, he's actually a cold-blooded killer. Please listen to us and let's vote him out.'
'Yellow was my best friend, you were too. I would never kill him! You were the one with fake smiles. Plus you forgot something, Red.' I smiled at him and looked at Pink. She seemed to get my message.
'Well Red, just before the first meeting was called, Yellow and White scanned, in front of me.' She came over to my side.
'Green had a lot of chances to kill me in Shields and he didn't. I trust him. Red, Cyan was my sister and I will avenge her.' Purple said. Guess I wasn't the only one who lost someone. She came to my side too.
Brown spoke' I remember you telling Green that you were going with Yellow, so I'm sorry buddy, but I guess you have to go.' He came to my side.
If the situation had been a better one I would've enjoyed the look on Red's and Black's face. 'B-but, I-I' Red stammered.
'Guess you aren't so cunning, Red' I said, giving the best glare I could and together we all voted him and Black, except for themselves. 


It was ejection time, I didn't even feel any pity for Red and Black as I watched them floating in space, gasping for air. It serves them right. I was angry at myself for trusting Red, for failing to protect Yellow, for blaming White and overall messing up big time. I just sat there, staring into space. Numerous stars blinked at me. I wondered if I should've been the one to die. 

 I felt someone stand next to me. It was White. I realized I didn't properly apologize yet. He cut me off before i could open my mouth. 'It's all in the past now, Green. Don't worry about it . When I was small, my mother used to say that everything happens for a good reason. You shouldn't blame yourself. It was supposed to happen. Don't apologize for blaming me but there is something you could for me.' He looked at me nervously. 'What is it?' I asked, willing to do anything. 'I'm quite lonely most of the time. I always stick to myself. I want to change that. So, if you want, can we be friends?' He asked looking at me hopefully. I burst out laughing. He looked at me incredulously. 'What happened?' I coughed and spluttered and finally managed to choke out' I actually though you were about to say something very serious, of course I'll be your friend.' He started laughing too. We both laughed, even though it wasn't really funny, until tears were coming out of our eyes. Suddenly the lunch bell rang, we got up and walked towards the table were me, Red and Yellow used to sit together. I really wished he was here and I promised myself that I would never replace him. Still, I sat down, happy to have found a true friend.

                                                             Author's note
Trash, I know, I started writing this in the beginning of October and lost motivation after sometime. Then, when I started it again,  I kinda rushed everything up. I think everything was obvious but here you go. I just wanted to try this out. Please comment and follow if  you like what I post. Bye!!!!!



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