AN AMONG US STORY Part 10

'Okay.. what happened?' asked Lime.
'Black and I were going to Reactor when......' said Red. Where was he going with this?
'When..?' urged Brown.
'When... I saw White and Green jumping out of the vent.' 
'Oh My God, you liar!!' I shouted angrily. 'How could you, I saw you talking about Yellow IN THE VENTS.' My voice broke.
'He was threatening to kill us if we told someone.' He started crying fake tears. Black continued 'Green was just pretending to be nice, he's actually a cold-blooded killer. Please listen to us and let's vote him out.'
'Yellow was my best friend, you were too. I would never kill him! You were the one with fake smiles. Plus you forgot something, Red.' I smiled at him and looked at Pink. She seemed to get my message.
'Well Red, just before the first meeting was called, Yellow and White scanned, in front of me.' She came over to my side.
'Green had a lot of chances to kill me in Shields and he didn't. I trust him. Red, Cyan was my sister and I will avenge her.' Purple said. Guess I wasn't the only one who lost someone. She came to my side too.
Brown spoke' I remember you telling Green that you were going with Yellow, so I'm sorry buddy, but I guess you have to go.' He came to my side.
If the situation had been a better one I would've enjoyed the look on Red's and Black's face. 'B-but, I-I' Red stammered.
'Guess you aren't so cunning, Red' I said, giving the best glare I could and together we all voted him and Black, except for themselves. 

Author's note
I'm really sorry I haven't been posting. I had this whole Art-integrated project and my exams. They've finished now so I'll upload daily!!!



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