AN AMONG US STORY Part 11 It was ejection time, I didn't even feel any pity for Red and Black as I watched them floating in space, gasping for air. It serves them right. I was angry at myself for trusting Red, for failing to protect Yellow, for blaming White and overall messing up big time. I just sat there, staring into space. Numerous stars blinked at me. I wondered if I should've been the one to die. I felt someone stand next to me. It was White. I realized I didn't properly apologize yet. He cut me off before i could open my mouth. 'It's all in the past now, Green. Don't worry about it . When I was small, my mother used to say that everything happens for a good reason. You shouldn't blame yourself. It was supposed to happen. Don't apologize for blaming me but there is something you could for me.' He looked at me nervously. 'What is it?' I asked, willing to do anything. 'I'm quite lonely most of the time. I always ...